Websearcher - AOL Broadband


AOL Broadband

AOL Broadband

About AOL Broadband
Voted number one in the UK for overall customer support in 2007 by U-Switch, AOL have offers including free HP laptops and Playstation 3s! Users can switch to AOL Broadband or Anytime Dialup with no interruption to their existing service and sit back and relax as AOL handle everything.

Who are AOL?
AOL is one of the world’s largest and most trusted Internet Services providers. AOL offer AOL Broadband customers a wide range of content including news, entertainment, sport and exclusive music sessions as well as a range of online tools that enable them to do more online. AOL Broadband gives you faster access to the internet, so pages load at a fraction of the time as a dial-up connection. Plus AOLs dedicated support to make your online experience as safe and as pleasurable as possible.


AOL Broadband





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