Med Hotels Overview |
Med Hotels |
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Med Hotels offers great value deals and instant on-line booking to over 1000 hotels in Greece, Spain, Canaries, Cyprus, Portugal, Malta, Turkey, Egypt and the Caribbean.
About Med Hotels
Med Hotels has established itself as one of the biggest on-line bookable hotel companies representing over 1500 hotels around the Mediterranean and Caribbean. Not only do we provide quality hotels at affordable prices, we now work and supply hotel rooms to a number of large travel companies including, JMC, Cosmos, Argo Holidays and Golden Sun. Not only in the UK but also across Europe.
Our web site is very simple yet full of information, including hotel pictures and descriptions as well as a variety of different room types, ranging from single rooms to family suites. Most importantly this is all available at a click of a button. We cater to the trend towards customers seeking better value for money by booking hotels separately as opposed to as part of a package, and with hotels ranging from 2 star bed & breakfast to 5 star all-inclusive, you can see we have something to please everyone.
Med Hotels have the fastest and easiest booking engine that shows instant up-to-date availability and gives instant confirmation of bookings. Once you have made your search, we will only display real time availability, nothing is on request, even if you are looking to travel tonight, which makes Med Hotels a great complimentary site to any low cost airline or flight only web site.
Med Hotels